Training & Safety
Give us a call today so we can evaluate your fleet’s needs and see where we can help you save money.
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The prime company objective for On-Site Refueling is to provide our customers with the best products, on time and in the safest way possible. We go to great lengths to insure the safety of our customers and drivers. We have developed proven and reliable operational procedures that enable us to make safe deliveries. Additionally, our trucks are equipped with customised safety systems that are unique to the industry.
With safety and quality in mind, we developed our own in house On-Site Refueling University. All new drivers are field and class trained and tested in the safe and accurate handling of the product. Course content includes a complete understanding of the product under the HAZCHEM rules and regulations. We ensure a continuous program for all of our drivers and management.
All Trucks Are ADR Approved And Have A Safe Loading Pass.
Once a tank is full, on-site refueling pumping mechanism automatically shuts down until another barcode is scanned, this protects you against non-registered vehicle fill ups and ensure accurate filling. When the delivery is completed all the data from each transaction is automatically transferred to the On-site refueling information server which immediately shows up on your fuel account on the web, our in cab printer produces your delivery ticket and your drivers are good to go. All our truck’s fuel dispensing registers are calibrated by NSAI to guarantee quantity delivered.